The Blairstown Diner serves a breakfast menu starting at 6AM.
Park in Footbridge Park, which is across the creek from the Diner. The automobile entrance to the park is Footbridge Lane, located on the right just past the Rt 94N bridge. You can reach the diner on Rt 94 by riding over the footbridge and turning left. Probably best to stay left and ride through the Delta Gas station lot rather than crossing RT94. The diner is immediately on the left just past the Delta gas station.
Suggested parking locations for the start/finish are public places, with theft and vandalism a real possibility, especially in cities. Park during the event at your own risk. Please do not leave valuables in your car during the ride.
Unfortunately, other than Air B&B options, lodging in Blairstown isn't available, although there are hotels within a reasonable car drive distance.
The finish controle is the Blairstown Inn located across Rt 94 from the Diner. The Inn serves Pub fare and draft beer.
Starting from Blairstown, we head south, through Hope and then southern points beyond along the Rt 519 corridor. After passing through Stewartsville, we then head over to the Delaware River to Milford, Frenchtown, and on to New Hope via Rt 29 and 32. This marks the southern extent of the course and we retrace our path back to the finish.
Date | Finishers |
2012-01-01 | 21 |
2012-02-04 | 30 |
2013-02-02 | 13 |
2013-12-07 | 15 |
2014-01-12 | 16 |
2014-02-01 | 22 |
2015-01-11 | 1 |
2015-02-07 | 21 |
2016-01-02 | 21 |
2017-01-02 | 2 |
2017-01-21 | 26 |
2019-12-07 | 13 |
2020-02-01 | 21 |
This ride is a randonneur style bicycle event under the sanction of Randonneurs USA. Completing this event can help you train for Paris-Brest-Paris and earn RUSA awards. You need a current RUSA membership to ride this event. You can sign up for RUSA here.
First time riding with PA Randonneurs? Read an overview of what to expect on your first PA brevet. All participants are obliged to follow the rules for riders as well as local vehicle laws (PA, NJ, NY). Safety is a primary concern. All riders must sign a waiver. Please read these Safety Instructions.
To receive credit for finishing a randonneuring event you must complete a brevet card as required by the rules. PA Randonneurs accepts traditional brevet cards filled out with stamps/signatures and backed up with merchant receipts. PA Randonneurs encourages use of the eBrevet cell phone app. (Version 1.3 minimum required) as an electronic brevet card assistant. Nevertheless, you must check into all controls on the app -- or provide traditional proof for each control. Your finish time and finish code from the app must be written on the paper card, along with your signature, or you may be disqualified.
These events are not for beginners. The courses are hilly. You may face extremes of weather: heat, cold, wind, rain. The roads are unmarked and open to automobile traffic. There will be night riding in the longer events. Complete several ordinary century cycling events before starting a 200K brevet; complete several 200Ks before starting a longer brevet.
The online URL for this event info page is
For all other information about Pennsylvania Randonneurs, visit our web site