Pennsylvania Randonneurs

Holiday Inn Hollywood
200K Brevet

Saturday 5 June 2021
07:00 EDT Start Time

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Holiday Inn Hollywood 200K Brevet

Saturday 5 June 2021
07:00 EDT Start Time

There are special proceedures and restrictions on this event because of the COVID-19 safety plan. Riders must

  • Bring a completed and signed  brevet waiver to the start. Riders should have this completed  ahead of time.
  • Bring a facemask and wear it as required.
  • Bring your own pencil or pen for completing info controle questions and signing brevet cards.

Please do not forget to bring these items. Be alert for other announcements and instructions.  The full set of restrictions and procedures will be described in the PA Rando Blog. Please check often for updates.


Start Location

Holiday Inn Express, Easton

90 Kunkle Drive
Easton, PA 18042
(610) 838-2928


The Holiday Inn Express in Easton is centrally located near US 22 and PA 33 in Easton, PA.  Events hosted at the Holiday will start in their meeting room, where breakfast is served at the start and a meal is served after the finish. Lodging can be reserved in hotel. Book with them directly.


There is ample parking all around the hotel.

Suggested parking locations for the start/finish are public places, with theft and vandalism a real possibility, especially in cities. Park during the event at your own risk. Please do not leave valuables in your car during the ride.


Riders are advised to make sleeping arrangements at or near the start/finish. Please book a room directly with the Holiday Inn Express or one of the other nearby hotels.


Join us in the buffet in the meeting room to recount your tales of joy, woe, and epic adventure (some of which may even be true). There will be access to a hot shower, allowing you to clean up after the ride, as well as bathrooms.

Ride Description

Ride from the Holiday Inn of Easton, PA to the community of Hollywood, PA, via mildly rolling classic Bucks County cycling roads and rail trails,  reaching down to the Philly Suburbs.

The southmost turnaround is the community of Hollywood, which features many California style homes. The 174-home neighborhood was created in 1928 by a builder from California, Gustav Weber. The homes were built in pastel colors with flat roofs, similar to Spanish-style homes in the Los Angeles area. Streets were named Los Angeles, San Diego, Pasadena and San Gabriel. 

The return route is Northeast to New Hope, and then along the Delaware River back to Easton on generally flat and familiar roads.

The course includes some bike trail segments, including the mostly paved Horsham Power Line Trail, and the unpaved  Pennypack Trail, which have crushed stone surface, suitable for most tires. These are beautiful trails, but are shared use trails. Riders need to be respectful of pedestrian users and cautious at road crossings as they enjoy the otherwise car-free experience.

In the early part of the course there are several steep, extended climbs.  Specifically, the course begins with a climb over Gaffney Hill (no relation to Patrick) and our all time favorite, The Kohlberg, via Lower Saucon Rd. After those two, the major work is done. Nevertheless,  wide range gearing is recommended.

Course History

Course Record 2024-11-09: Christopher Maglieri (07:44, 25.9 kph)

General Info

This ride is a randonneur style bicycle event under the sanction of Randonneurs USA and Audax Club Parisian. Completing this event can help you train and qualify for Paris-Brest-Paris and earn RUSA and ACP  awards. You need a current RUSA membership to ride this event. You can sign up for RUSA here.

First time riding with PA Randonneurs? Read an overview of what to expect on your first PA brevet. All participants are obliged to follow the rules for riders as well as local vehicle laws (PA, NJ, NY). Safety is a primary concern. All riders must sign a waiver. Please read these Safety Instructions.

To receive credit for finishing a randonneuring event you must complete a brevet card as required by the rules. PA Randonneurs accepts traditional brevet cards filled out with stamps/signatures and backed up with merchant receipts. PA Randonneurs encourages use of the eBrevet cell phone app. (Version 1.3 minimum required) as an electronic brevet card assistant. Nevertheless, you must check into all controls on the app -- or provide traditional proof for each control. Your finish time and finish code from the  app must be written on the paper card, along with your signature, or you may be disqualified.

These events are not for beginners.  The courses are hilly. You may face extremes of weather: heat, cold, wind, rain. The roads are unmarked and open to automobile traffic. There will be night riding in the longer events.  There is no sag wagon. Complete several ordinary century cycling events before starting a 200K brevet;  complete several 200Ks before starting a longer brevet.


Registration Fee

For PA Rando members: $50
There is an extra $10 charge for registration if you are not a member of Pennsylvania Randonneurs.
Pre-payment only. Day-of-event payment is not available for this event.


Subject to possible pandemic restrictions, several items are included in your registration. A complimentary breakfast buffet will be provided before the ride, and a pizza/pasta buffet will be available after the ride. There will be shared access to a shower, if allowed by pandemic rules in effect at the time.  Also with possible pandemic restriction, a limited number of bunks will be available for "safety naps". If you need the certainty of a shower and bunk, or full overnight accomodations, please book a room for yourself.  No lodging is included, but PA Randonneurs has reserved a limited block of rooms at the Holiday Inn that riders may book. Contact the hotel directly. Usually it's best to do this by phone directly to the hotel desk at 610-923-9495. Make sure they understand you are with the cycling group code BE3. Or you can make reservations online.

Registration is closed for this event.


06:00 Sign-in, Bike Inspection
06:50 Rider meeting
07:00 EDT Riders depart


Finish Cutoff: 20:30 EDT 5 June 2021 (13 hours, 30 minutes)

Daylight Hours

Sunrise: 05:30
Sunset: 20:29

The hours for this event extend beyond daytime. Riding at night without appropriate reflective gear and lights will result in an immediate disqualification. See the rules Article 10 for requirements. See the reflectivity guide for best practices.


Weather forecast for start location: Easton, PA.

This event runs rain or shine. Rides are sometimes postponed or canceled if there is a significant chance of extreme conditions that threaten safety (e.g. ice, snow, high winds). Check the message board for last minute announcements.

Questions About This Event?

Please click here to ask the organizer a question about this event.

The online URL for this event info page is

For all other information about Pennsylvania Randonneurs, visit our web site