Cafe Metzler is a unique start location in that it is located at the home of George and Erin Metzler at 403 Noble Road near Atglen, Pennsylvania. Our base of operations is his garage located behind the house. Once you've parked your car, unloaded, and are certain you have all your gear for riding, ride down the hill from the parking area approximately 1/4 mile. George's house is on the left. We will stage the start in the large turn-around area in front of the garage at the end of the driveway. Food is not generally available before the ride start so you'll want to eat before arriving. The nearby Dutchway Family Restaurant is recommended, but check to make sure you have time to eat and make it to the start on time. Water is available at the garage.
Parking is available at the Freedom Life Church, approximately 1/4 mile up the hill (west) from the start location on the right. Enter the driveway and then turn right again into the upper parking lot.
Suggested parking locations for the start/finish are public places, with theft and vandalism a real possibility, especially in cities. Park during the event at your own risk. Please do not leave valuables in your car during the ride.
Several motels are available in the area.
Make your own reservations by calling the hotel directly.
Café Metzler is located in the garage behind the house where you started. It will be obvious to all but the most brain dead of randonneurs. Turn into the driveway and follow to the garage to finish. You can return to your car after you check in to the finish control.
In honor of RUSA's 20th Anniversary we are undertaking something a little different. Instead of the usual early morning start, this ride will begin in the evening with participants riding through the night. For those looking toward a PBP appearance in 2019, this ride will offer a good taste of a nighttime start. Even if PBP isn't in your plans, riding through the night offers a dramatically different experience that many enjoy. At the very least it should offer a reprieve from the normal mid-August summer heat.
The route is a derivative of the Brandywine 200k route. This route includes plenty of rural roads, brushes with Chester County horse country which once included a 13,000 acre northern location of the famous King Ranch in Texas, meandering along Brandywine Creek in Chester County, and visiting THREE states. Many of the scenic highlights may remain visible in the moonlight if skies are clear and should offer a different take on the beauty of the area.
The finish includes breakfast at Cafe Metzler. While some riders may recall finishing at George's place in the afternoon, not since 2009 have we stopped by for breakfast. We'll have plenty of breakfast eats ready for hungry riders and time to tell stories from the overnight adventure.
The route has been modified to make navigation easier. Those familiar with the route may also recall the second half of the ride being somewhat challenging in both terrain and navigation. Never fear as this modified route simiplifies both. Roads that would normally be choked with cars in the late afternoon become easy to follow, gentle terrain expressways for bikes with only an occasional car (though we may encounter Plain Sect courting). All of the timed controls are located at stores offering 24-hour services. The control in West Chester will be an open control allowing riders to take advantage of the many outdoor cafe options. A 24-hour 7-Eleven is also available. There is one info control, but the location is illuminated and answering the requisite question is easily accomplished. There's even a bike rack to hold your bike while you note the answer to the control question on your brevet card.
Since this ride occurs overnight, lights and reflective gear are MANDATORY. Lighting requirements include a front and rear lights firmly attached to the bicycle. At least one front and two rear lights are required. At least one of the rear lights should be operating in steady (not flashing) mode. A spare headlight is also required, though it may be carried in a bag in lieu of being funtionally mounted at the start. A rear-facing reflector mounted on the bike and a helmet mounted or handheld headlamp are also strongly advised. This ride uses mostly rural roads with little or no artificial lighting. It will be very dark in most locations so the light you carry will be the extent of available light. There are about 10 hours between sunset and sunrise, so plan accordingly if you rely solely on battery powered lights.
All riders must wear reflective gear in accordance with Article 10 of RUSA's rules for brevet riders meaning at least a reflective vest or equivalent sash-type torso reflective apparel and reflective bands on each ankle. RUSA's Reflectivity Guide offers a good explanation of the requirements.
As a special incenive, all finishers will receive a commerative RUSA 20th Anniversary medal.
Date | Finishers |
2018-08-18 | 20 |
This ride is a randonneur style bicycle event under the sanction of Randonneurs USA and Audax Club Parisian. Completing this event can help you train and qualify for Paris-Brest-Paris and earn RUSA and ACP awards. You need a current RUSA membership to ride this event. You can sign up for RUSA here.
First time riding with PA Randonneurs? Read an overview of what to expect on your first PA brevet. All participants are obliged to follow the rules for riders as well as local vehicle laws (PA, NJ, NY). Safety is a primary concern. All riders must sign a waiver. Please read these Safety Instructions.
To receive credit for finishing a randonneuring event you must complete a brevet card as required by the rules. PA Randonneurs accepts traditional brevet cards filled out with stamps/signatures and backed up with merchant receipts. PA Randonneurs encourages use of the eBrevet cell phone app. (Version 1.3 minimum required) as an electronic brevet card assistant. Nevertheless, you must check into all controls on the app -- or provide traditional proof for each control. Your finish time and finish code from the app must be written on the paper card, along with your signature, or you may be disqualified.
These events are not for beginners. The courses are hilly. You may face extremes of weather: heat, cold, wind, rain. The roads are unmarked and open to automobile traffic. There will be night riding in the longer events. There is no sag wagon. Complete several ordinary century cycling events before starting a 200K brevet; complete several 200Ks before starting a longer brevet.
Breakfast after the ride at Cafe Metzler
The online URL for this event info page is
For all other information about Pennsylvania Randonneurs, visit our web site