Pennsylvania Randonneurs

Pennsylvania Randonneurs

Organizing long distance, endurance bicycle events in the Eastern Pennsylvania region.


Volunteering for Pennsylvania Randonneurs

PA Randonneurs always needs volunteers to help out with brevets. Even with minimally supported brevets volunteers are needed to staff the start/finish zone and, occasionally, staff intermediate controls along the route.

PA Randonneurs covers the expenses authorized volunteers incur when performing volunteer duties in support of an event. Examples would be general supplies food and water purchased for riders, bridge tolls, gas for travel to and from a remote intermediate control, permit fees.

Volunteers who complete their tasks and ride the brevet on the date scheduled, or who ride a pre-ride and work during the event, will be refunded the registration fee for that brevet.


A special kind of volunteer is the organizer. A brevet organizer takes responsibility for an event from start to finish and recruits other volunteers.

Organizer Manual


Pre Rides

In order to encourage volunteering at events, pre-rides are organized so that volunteers can both support the event on brevet day, and also ride and earn credit for completing that same brevet. RUSA has rules and guidelines constraining these volunteer pre-rides. Here are some of those rules:

Events In Need of Volunteers

Endless Mountains Liberty Bell 1234K

Event Start: 2024-09-25 04:00:00

Contact Organizer to Volunteer.

Volunteer Jobs

Finish Controle
Finish volunteers are required to be present at the finish through all the hours riders are expected to arrive. The volunteers guide finishing riders through the brevet finish check in process. This includes recording the finish time on the brevet card and controle sign in sheet, helping the rider sign the back of the brevet card and sign in sheet, collecting the brevet cards, and communicating the finish times (and DNF/DNQ results) to the organizer.
Start Controle
The start controle volunteers are present at the start location, typically from one hour before the event start time, till the last starting rider departs or till the start controle closes (if there are latecomers). Start volunteers are responsible for several tasks. These include welcoming riders at the start location, noting their sign-in to the rider release, collecting event fees, issuing satellite trackers, issuing brevet cards, performing bike inspection, conducting a pre-ride briefing, communicating the starting roster to the organizer, and depositing receipts in the bank.
Secret Controle
Secret controle volunteers are deployed onto the course at locations not designated as official controles on the brevet card. They remain at these locations for the hours riders are expected to pass by. These volunteers note the passage of riders on a controle sheet and may make a note on rider brevet cards. They can optionally provide water, food, or assistance to riders at that location.
Staffed Controle
Staffed controle volunteers are deployed onto the course at official controles along the course. They remain at these locations for the hours riders are expected to pass by. These volunteers perform tasks as required by that controle. Also they may note the passage of riders on a controle sheet and may make a note on rider brevet cards. They can optionally provide water, food, or assistance to riders at that location.
Food and Drink
Food volunteers purchase or prepare food and drink and deliver it to riders at one or more controle locations. Utensils, cups, bowls, plates, napkins, etc... may be required along with the food/drink. Food volunteers may be responsible for initial setup and/or final clean up.
Communications Contact
A job you can do from the comfort of your home. All you need is a phone. Volunteers and riders alike might need to call in to relay information about DNS or DNF status or Volunteer status. A Google Voice number is printed on the brevet card. Calls and texts to that number are forwarded to you. You relay messages as appropriate.
Sometimes we need people to buy and deliver groceries, supplies and/or equipment. This can be on the day of the brevet or at some point both before and after the brevet.